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fixed annuities

Category: Cash Management

Home Equity Loans

Is a Home Equity Loan Right for Me? Taxes are becoming an ever-increasing burden to Americans. Through the Tax Reform Act of 1986, Congress reduced or eliminated many of the ways that taxpayers can lower their taxes. Interest deduction is... Read more

Effects of Inflation

How Does Inflation Affect Me? Are you saving for retirement? For your children’s education? For any other long-term goal? If so, you’ll want to know about a sometimes subtle, yet very real threat to your savings: inflation. Inflation is the... Read more

Savings Alternatives

What Savings Alternatives Are Available? As an investor, it’s important to have a portion of your holdings in savings. Opinions differ, but most financial advisors agree that adequate savings should form the basis of any sound investment strategy. There are... Read more

College Financial Aid

What About Financial Aid for College? Is the financial aid game worth playing? There’s a tremendous amount of paperwork involved. The rules are obscure and often don’t seem to make sense. And it takes time. But make no mistake, the... Read more

Smart Financing Ideas

What Are Some Smart Ways to Refinance? Recently, fixed mortgages were near their lowest rates in almost 30 years. And if you are one of the many people who took out mortgages in the few years prior to that, you... Read more

Reverse Mortgages

What Is a Reverse Mortgage? Many Americans facing retirement would love to increase their monthly income. Faced with fixed pensions, rising medical expenses, limited Social Security benefits, and longer life spans, an increasing number of people are actually being forced... Read more

Biweekly Mortgages

What Advantages Does a Biweekly Mortgage Offer? One of the most precious assets that you are likely to possess as you progress through life is your home. Owning their own homes is something that most Americans strive for. Unfortunately, for... Read more

Managing Cash

How Can I Better Manage My Short-Term Cash? For the vast majority of people, it is essential to keep a portion of their assets in liquid form in order to meet monthly commitments. For example, most families have to meet... Read more

Money Market Funds

How Do Money Market Mutual Funds Work? Just like individuals, the government, corporations, and banks often need to borrow money for a short time to make ends meet. Unlike most individuals, however, the scale of this borrowing is phenomenal. The... Read more

Cash Management Tools

What Cash Management Tools Are Available? There are a number of short-term cash management instruments available to the individual establishing a sound cash management program. These alternatives include money market mutual funds, Treasury bills, and certificates of deposit. Money market... Read more