September 2014
MEDFORD, Ore., Sept. 30, 2014 /PRNewswire/ — As of the second quarter, annuity sales as a whole have reached their highest level in three years. Meanwhile, fixed annuities, the specialty of AnnuityAdvantage, have hit sales numbers not seen in five... Read more
Who wouldn’t want to retire early and pursue their own goals and desires? The problem is that without sensible retirement planning it can be difficult to save up enough to retire at 65 and even harder to get to that... Read more
The trend of using fixed annuity products to create a secure retirement plan is catching on. Each quarter, year-by-year, the popularity of fixed annuities has increased and in-turn overall fixed annuity sales are on the rise. Fixed annuities are able... Read more
September 2014
MEDFORD, Ore., Sept. 2, 2014 /PRNewswire/ — Not long ago, people in their thirties and forties might have believed they were “too young” to purchase an annuity. That conventional wisdom is being brushed aside as more people under 50 add... Read more
Retirement planning is crucial to secure wealth for the long run. With corporations pulling back on pension plans and matching 401k contributions, a retirement plan that includes a predictable stream of income is essential for one to live out their retirement years comfortably. One... Read more
July 2014
MEDFORD, Ore., July 17, 2014 /PRNewswire/ — Effective July 2, the Treasury Department has enacted new rules allowing employees to convert a portion of their IRA or 401k retirement funds into a qualifying deferred income annuity, officially designated as a... Read more
Retirement can mean travel, new hobbies and interests, charitable giving and leaving a financial legacy for your family. But how do you ensure you have enough to live on when your paychecks end? Purchasing annuities can help give you the... Read more
July 2014
Investors planning for retirement want simple products with low fees. The insurance industry’s answer: deferred-income contracts. Insurance companies have a long history of conjuring up new types of annuities to suit changing market conditions, and once again they’ve proved to... Read more
June 2014
MEDFORD, Ore., June 24, 2014 /PRNewswire/ — National Annuity Awareness Month is all about educating consumers. AnnuityAdvantage takes this aspect of its mission to heart; Founder Ken Nuss believes strongly that fixed annuities are the best and safest choice for... Read more
June 2014
MEDFORD, Ore., June 10, 2014 /PRNewswire/ — Looking back at fifteen years of success stories, the Annuity Specialists at AnnuityAdvantage ( have been witnesses to profound changes within the industry. Many of these changes stem from the revolutionary speed with... Read more